Concrete floors
Concrete structure of industrial floors
Concrete structures that meet any load – bearing operating conditions.
The basic structural part of industrial floors are concrete structures that must meet any load – bearing operating conditions. Appropriate design of floor’s structure and quality construction of concrete floor structures lays the foundation for further applications of floor systems, be it continuous or follow-up impregnations, finishes, coatings and cast floors.

During concrete structure realization, we rely on using cutting edge modern technology for storing and processing of concrete compound.
Variants of concrete structures for industrial floors
- Traditional concrete floor – floor with saw-cut contraction joints.
- Jointless concrete floor – floor without saw-cut contraction joints with a dimension of dilatation monolith units up to 40×40 m.
Concrete floors are realized with the use of traditional steel or progressive fiber reinforcement.
Variants of continuous surface finishes of concrete floors
- Concrete bearing slab with vibration-compacted surface.
- Concrete slab with machine smoothed surface.
- Concrete slab with surface improved by dry shake hardener – application of powder mixtures with hard aggregates – machine smoothed.
- Concrete slab with a surface finish using industrial WET TO WET screed – machine smoothed. The surface is smooth and characteristic by increased resistance to abrasion, high mechanical resistances and increased surface level parameters.
- Cement-concrete road cover with brush-like antiskid surface structure.
Among the benefits of such surface finishes types is economic effectiveness and fast application which is performed along with placing of the surface structure.

Have a look at our finished projects
The services we offer were used by companies from multiple European countries, among which are Slovakia, Denmark, Sweden, Hungary, Romania, Italy, Poland or Czech Republic.